Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am starting to enjoy my job. It isn't always a barrel of fun, but it also isn't bad at all. I just sit at a desk for 3 hours. It is out in the open in the student center at Lake Erie College, so people pass through. Not a lot pass through during my hours. I work until 11:30 and it doesn't start getting busy until after 11. However, I have gotten to meet a couple people.
I have seen people from Annex, the Christian campus group meeting I have gone to a couple times. I have also met a couple others. In particular, I met a girl named Lisa. The first day, she was the only one around for a while. I went up to her and asked where a drinking fountain was. She didn't know but offered to buy me a water from the snack bar with the extra money on her meal plan. Since then, she has come by every day to chat. Yesterday, we got into a pretty lengthy and interesting discussion about Christianity vs. atheism. She calls herself an atheist, although she was raised Catholic. From what she has said, it seems like she grew up with an interesting/false understanding of Christianity.
I have been realizing more and more how incomplete or skewed many "Christian's" and others' view of Christianity is.
As I expected, she didn't right away turn from her beliefs when I shared my own, but we will have the opportunity to continue the discussion, and she seems interested in doing so.
It is good for me in that it challenges me to look for answers to questions I have dismissed or not thought about. As Paul said in Philemon verse 6 "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of ever good thing we have in Christ." Sharing our faith isn't just good for those we share it fact, it might not have any significant impact on them, but it can definitely impact our own lives.
I also get to spend time on the internet and playing solitaire at work. Until yesterday, I hadn't had a single person come up to me legitimately asking me about the Census. Yesterday, I had 3! It was a busy day. In fact, I was going to post on my blog yesterday but had to postpone it until today. Until next time...think about Philemon verse 6.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Interesting job you have... what sorts of census questions do they expect you to be asked?

Also sounds like some good conversations lately.