Sunday, April 14, 2013


You've probably heard the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." In Don Jacobson's book When God Makes Lemonade he offers a collection of stories from various authors. The narratives are centered around hope. It is hope in God that allows us to live through, and even thrive in difficult circumstances, as chronicled in this book. 
The collection of stories offers a good example of people being real about the tragedies that happen in life. Although each of the stories describes a certain obstacle or tragedy, though, none is without hope. As Christians, one way we can be a light to the world is by demonstrating the hope we have in God and the peace that comes with that, especially through difficult circumstances.
I really appreciate this book as more than a good read but as a collection of examples of living a life full of the fruit of the Spirit.
Many thanks to BookSneeze for providing this book to me free for review.