Friday, July 17, 2009

Which Book?

Well, today, I was tempted to play online games again, as has become a habit in the past few days. maybe not a habit, but a daily activity. today, however, I decided instead to write in my blog and do some other things.


1: I have become a gardener?

yesterday I stumbled upon a farmer's market as I was riding my bike through downtown (related to #2, if I choose to number it that) and into Island Park. Kassie and I have talked about having plants in our apt and we have quite a bit of space on the large window sills which are about 10" deep or so, and we have pretty wide windows, too. so I got a Parsley plant because I was looking for something that could be useful and the lady said Parsley would be good for growing indoors. So I planted that and also got some green onions and carrots and stuff.
I was thinking maybe i could replant the green onions too, or at least part of them, and sure enough, I looked on the internet and found that you can use the end with about an inch of the white stuff and the roots to regrow the scallions if you just put it in a dish with water and sunlight. I tried it, and voila, today they started growing enough to notice, but not really enough to cut off and use in a meal today.
(that ended up longer than I had originally planned)

2: Youth Ministry:

In the process of looking for jobs, my parents informed me they met a guy who happens to be an elder at a church here in Mount Pleasant that may be looking for a youth director and/or worship leader. I happen to be interested in both and thus submitted my interest to the man using the contact info from my parents. He sent my info on to another guy, the current youth director who is leaving, who informed me that they are not really sure what they are going to do about the open positions yet but that I should talk to the pastor (actually an associate pastor who will be staying...the head pastor left this past winter) in a couple weeks.
I was also told by another company with a possible position that they wont be making decisions for a couple weeks.
During this waiting period, God has opened me up to realize that I do have a passion for youth ministry, specifically working with high schoolers. He has also been leading me towards doing some things while looking/praying/waiting for a job.
One thing, a couple days ago as I was biking home from the men's house, I felt God leading me to downtown to possibly talk to people who were around. I basically told him I didn't plan on going up to anybody to talk to them and he basically told me that he would send them to me.
So, I went to where there is kind of a park with a flag pole and benches and stuff on the corner of Main and Broadway (downtown). After noticing a group of teenagers hanging out by a tree, I sat by an opposite tree and read the newspaper. Not too long into my reading, a couple girls came over an started talking to me. Soon, one of them said she had to go (conveniently) leaving me with the other one (I am pretty sure it was a setup). So, I talked to her for a while and she told me about her life, depression, not getting along with her stepfather, her grandma and her best friend dying, etc. I really wanted to do something but didn't know what I could or should to, especially under the circumstances of how we met and stuff. Anyway, that was a big part of what made me realize that I want to work with high schoolers, get to know them, show them the purpose they have in God, give them something productive to do, etc.
(that was also quite a bit longer than I meant it to be)

3. Title:

The reason I titled this which book is because in the past two weeks I have read two Ted Dekker books, mostly at work. I have realize that it takes a little more than a half day and a full day of work to read one of his books because that is how much I have worked each of the past two weeks and I have almost finished a book each time, causing me to take it home to read the rest.
This week, again, I work a day and a half (1/2 day today and full day tomorrow, so I will probably read another Ted Dekker book)
I did not really mean to ask y'all what book I should read, but if you have any suggestions (especially a Christian book that might be at the store I work at, and doesn't necessarily have to be Ted Dekker) let me know.

I have also been reading Screwtape Letters by Clive Lewis and have gotten alot out of it but I have already written to much. Maybe I will just make a new post and write about it when I am at work or something.

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