Thursday, January 28, 2010

Meeting the Housemates

A couple nights ago Kassie decided to make cookies to hand out to people who live in our house, not really our house, but the house we live in. (For those who don't know, our apartment is part of a large house).

Last night we went to deliver the cookies. I believe there are 5 other apartments with current residents in the house. We met one several weeks ago, and he is our landlord. We met two more last night.

The first one is named Emily. She works at Lake Erie College across the street. She calls this place "the Mansion."
The second one is Andrea. We don't know where she works. We interrupted her phone conversation, but she was nice enough to answer the door and introduce herself and stuff.

Both of them seem nice. Hopefully we will get to know them better and also meet our other housemates.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Mmmm cookies, delicious. And a good idea for meeting the neighbors. :)