Thursday, August 20, 2009

Being and Doing

I read "The Shack" in the past two times I worked at Cook's. It is an interesting book. I really liked it for the way it made me think about God and my own life and love.

There are some things in the book that are quite controversial, and I don't think I agree with everything in it, but it does bring up some interesting concepts.

One thing I got from it is something that I have been learning in many different ways, and still not quite understanding or living. Basically it is about loving God and others before myself, thinking of what I can do to love rather than what I should/could/"need" to do for myself.

It is hard to think like that. I am so accustomed to thinking of myself and my agenda and my needs, along with my body reminding me of needs for food and water and stuff. It's pretty cool when people actually put others first.

God is good. He gives us all we need. Rather, he Is all we need.

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