Friday, April 10, 2009


I am here, alive.

I don't really feel like writing but feel like I should for whatever reason.

Lately I have been making progress on my research project. I have noticed it is negatively correlated with the amount of sleep I get. (more progress=less sleep)

Today I am really tired and thinking that maybe the best way to be able to serve God would be to take a nap. I have stuff I would like to get done. I can be quite productive when I am tired, but I don't think I honor God as well. So, realizing which is more important, I should probably take a nap. I might have a meeting in about .5 hours though, so I might wait until after that.

God is good.

Really good.

All the time.


1 comment:

Kelsey said...

hey bro, hope you get a chance for some sleep. i usually have a negative correlation between sleep and my attitude... less sleep, more (bad) attitude. and some sort of weird correlation with progress -- at first it's less sleep, more progress, but then when the sleep tank gets too low, the progress is pretty worthless, so who knows if you can call it progress anymore.

happy easter!