Sunday, June 5, 2011


I was finally able to play soccer after going for quite a while without playing at all. On Friday it was a great day and I decided to get some people together to play. It was a lot of fun.
A few things I got out of it:

1. I learned how out of shape I am. (I have playing church league softball but that does nothing for getting me in shape or indicating how out of shape I am)
2. I re-scraped my leg where I scraped it when sliding into second playing softball on Tuesday
3. I lost part of my shoe. My bright orange soccer cleats have served me well for about 7 years but now the bottom of the right one is no longer attached, so I will have to look for some new ones.
4. Fun.

We might start playing on a more regular basis, so if you are in the Kingston area and want to play, let me know.

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