Tuesday, December 11, 2007


It's finals week here at CMU. I have not had any finals yet, other than a take-home final that was due today that took way too long to do. It ended up being about 10 pages of writing. I was up until a little after 5 doing that. then I woke up at 9 45 because I thought I should study for my final at 12, but at 11 30 I talked to a friend who informed me my 12 oclock final isn't until thursday. so, I got my other final turned in at 2 and since then have been just hanging out and having fun. Although, during the time I thought I had an exam, I did get some studying for tomorrow's final done. Other than that, Mitch, Derek and I had a snowball fight. then mitch and I made a snowman named ssccg. then Katie came and she, mitch and I had a snowball fight. The snow is perfect today for packing.
After that, I went with Mitch to pick up some stuff from meijer and aunt millie's and then went with Katie to get something at a store downtown and then to meijer to get something mitch forgot to get. then came back and hungout until a wonderful venison steak dinner with baked potatoes, salad, green beans, biscuits, mushrooms and onions. it was wonderful.
then i went and played racquetball for two hours. I did pretty well, and it was fun.
Overall, I have had a wonderful day. I hope you have too.

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