Friday, November 2, 2012

The Searchers by Joseph Loconte

It took me a long time to read this book. As I was explaining to my wife, it wasn't bad enough to not finish, but it also wasn't interesting enough to keep reading. When I was reading it, I was interested but not compelled to continue reading.

This book is based on the journey of disciples and their encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus from Luke's gospel account. I am not really the sure of the purpose of this book. It contains many references that were interesting to me. It contains some thought-provoking ideas. Overall, however, I missed the plot. I will admit that reading it over a shorter period of time may have made it seem more purposeful.

I would not recommend this book but also wouldn't particularly recommend against it. Read it if you want, especially if you like a wide variety of historical and cultural references and information.

This book was provided for review by BookSneeze.

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