I realize I haven't been posting much other than book reviews lately, but here is a real post.
As some of you know, I have been working for the Census Bureau. Last week I had training to become a crew leader. Basically, the enumerators are the ones who go out and knock on people's doors to get them to fill out the questionnaire. Crew leaders supervise the enumerators. Field operation supervisors (FOS) supervise the crew leaders and so on.
At the end of training last week i was told that I was going to be a CLA (crew leader assistant) rather than a crew leader because there are already two crews out in the two districts we live on the border of. They started in the Early Early Phase (official name, no joke) to try to get the college students before they leave since LEC (Lake Erie College) lets out at the end of April.
So, they won't need a new crew leader in those districts, but I might be joining one of those crews, which actually might combine, as a CLA, meaning I would have some enuerator duties and some supervisory duties. I don't know for sure yet but my FOS is supposed to call me tomorrow morning to let me know.
Crazy census stuff.
In other news, the band I am in, Broken Buildings, played acoustic versions of some of our songs at an open mic night this past week and it went really well. I am excited for the May 28 concert.
Today, I went to a rally/march to raise awareness about human trafficking. It was at OSU in Columbus, OH. I went down with people from Annex and met up with my good ole pal Rebekah Benish. It was interesting. It was a good trip overall, although I didn't get a whole lot out of the actual event. I would like to maybe use our band to raise awareness about human trafficking or something though.
Also, I randomly met up with a couple friends from Cornerstone, Jesse ... and Ben Rezendzian or something like that. It was cool to see them unexpectedly. THey both go to a private college near Columbus.
Kassie is doing pretty well in Arizona. I miss her a lot. She is supposed to be coming back on Tuesday. Things have been a little rough. Please pray for her brother and his family. Thanks.
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