Thursday, April 29, 2010

Census 2010

Life has kind of been crazy, mostly due to the census. I have learned that you never really know what to expect with the census. In fact it is quite a quirky operation. I mean, what do you expect when the majority of the work is done once every ten years by thousands of temporary employees?
Anyway, I started off being a QAC Rep., sitting at Lake Erie College, waiting for people to ask questions about the census, how to fill out the questionnaire, or asking for a Be Counted form. Nobody really came. I think I talked to 5 people about census-related topics in the 3 weeks(?) I was there. Then I got called to be an enumerator, for which the training would start this week. The next day Kassie got called to be an enumerator, and I got called again, this time to be a crew leader instead for which the training started the week following the phone call, which was also supposed to be my last week at the QAC. They said I could just close the QAC (Questionnaire Assistance Center...I know you've been dying to know what that stands for) early and do the Crew Leader training. So, I did. At the end of the training, I was told they had no spot for me as a crew leader but that I would be a Crew Leader Assistant with a crew that was currently working on the early enumeration. The early enumeration was slightly different from the normal enumeration and was done so that off-campus college students could be counted before they left for the summer. So, I did that for a week and finished it up.
That was last week. This week I have been as Kassie calls me 'a government gopher.' Basically visiting training sites and taking paperwork back to the office and stuff. When I am not running errands, I have been doing office work. Until...
Today I went into the office because they didn't have any errands for me. I did a little office work. Then Christine, one of the office people (I don't know her exact title, but I think she is somewhat high up there) told me she had a job for me. If I hadn't heard her talking on the phone earlier, I wouldn't have thought anything of it because she had been the one assigning jobs to me all week in the office. When I was working earlier, though, I had heard her asking about possible people who could do a replacement training next week. As it ends up, I am the person to do it. Which means, for the rest of this week I am preparing to train enumerators.
This is a little bit different from the normal enumerator training though for a few reasons. First of all, it is in the evenings rather than the day. Secondly, since it is a replacement training, I won't be their crew leader after the training. Instead, they will be placed with other crews that by that time will have already been working for a week and may need more people. And I...I don't know what I will do after next week, but I am assuming I will probably be assigned as a CLA with one of the crews, possibly the same crew I worked with for the early enumeration.
So, it's been an interesting few weeks, not knowing what I will be doing from week to week or sometimes day to day or hour to hour. But it has been a blessing to have a job, not only as a source of income but for something to do each day.


Kelsey said...

Somehow this all doesn't give me a whole lot of faith in the accuracy of the census.

Klh said...

ha. Yeah. No worries. I am... sure..... no one will be double counted.... hmmmm. The census is stressful, but a lot of it is common sense. Or it should be, anyway. what happens is there are all these rules on the RIGHT way to do things, so people tense up and forget that it is really very simple.