I have been getting a little restless. Yet, I don't really know what to do.
Today I read from My Utmost For His Highest about waiting on God rather than doing your own thing impatiently. "Sweet," I thought, "so I am just supposed to be waiting for whatever God has for me. I should probably be spending time with him and be looking out for opportunities to serve him while I wait, but basically just wait."
Then I proceeded to read part of Vince Alongitalianlastname's book I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T Shirt. Part of what I read today was a chapter on not being lazy or comfortable but dying for ourselves to live for God. "Hmmm," I thought, "maybe I am not supposed to be playing so much Mario, and I should get out and do something instead."
Now, I feel somewhat conflicted. Maybe there is a balance that I am not seeing. Am I supposed to get out and do something, or am I supposed to wait on God? Maybe I am just not supposed to give in to all of my desires, like beating Mario 3 on Super Nintendo or eating a bunch of chocolate covered marshmallows with sprinkles on top (you may be thinking that sounds too good to be true or too sugary to be good or something like that. nevertheless Kassie decided to make those last night, and then I made a few more).
Maybe I am supposed to be reading God's Word even when I don't feel like it, and praying for Haiti and for my friends and family even when I would rather watch a movie. Maybe what I should be doing is not necessarily what I think of as active, rather it is actively waiting on God, actively spending time with him rather than wasting time on other things, saying "no" to chocolate covered marshmallows with sprinkles on top (or at least saying No to eating more than one at a time) to treat my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Those marshmallows look delicious.
Also, I like Vince's new last name. How far are you in the book?
You can solve your Mario addiction by sending the super nintendo up to Midland. ;)
Ha -- Kels, josh was going to send it to Midland, but I told him that I wanted to play it.. oops. My bad. haha. But, you can probably take it when you come to visit us.. :D
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