I guess we go to the library quite a bit. Has anybody read the book 1984? If so what do you think of it? If not, what don't you think of it?
Well, I have heard from several people over several years that it is good, a must read, and have kind of gotten a feeling that I can't be educated if I haven't read it.
A week ago when we were at the library I looked for the book,except I was looking for 1982, and I didn't really search hard and didn't find it. Last night, however, is another story. Well, it is actually just a different part of the same story.
We went for a quick trip right before the library closed because we both had a hankerin'* to watch a movie. As we were leaving we both noticed the "free" cart in the entryway which has books to be given away...at least that's what we assume since they all say "free" on them. And guess which book just happened to be on that cart...no, not Clifford the Big Red Dog...it was 1984. Well, Clifford might have been there too. We didn't really look very long but I took 1984 and started reading it last night.
It seems interesting so far. I am really glad our world/country isn't like the one described so far in the book. I am pretty sure that is how the author wants the reader to feel in order for him to make a point sometime later in the book or maybe a series of points.
The point of the story is, I found 1984 and am reading it, so I will soon be an educated person.
You might be wondering why you just read this. That is a normal feeling, and there is no medical treatment necessary for such a feeling.
On an unrelated but equally important note, Kassie and I beat Mario 3 on Super Mario All Stars last night!
*I don't know where the term hankerin' came from or where it went...maybe people in certain areas still use it regularly. I do know it should always be used with an apostrophe instead of a "g," and it is somewhat enjoyable to say.
1 comment:
I have never read the book, so I guess I'll have to tell you what I *don't* think of it. I don't think that it has anything to do with the fact that I was born in 1984, but if it did, then it would of course be an amazing and educating book.
You're almost inspiring me to actually go to the library here, except that I keep finding books I already own that I haven't read yet.
Congrats on the Mario 3 win!
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