As you might imagine, it generally makes the most sense to read a series in order. When I requested Riley Mae and the Ready Eddy Rapids I didn't realize that it was the second book in a series. Thankfully it was provided for free for review by BookLook Bloggers, and I wanted it more for my daughter in the future than for myself. Having read and reviewed book 2, I decided to request book 1 recently. Riley Mae and the Rock Shocker Trek by Jill Osborne provided some good background information on the characters that I had missed by reading the second book first. The story develops of a young girl whose father works in marketing for a shoe company. The girl, Riley Mae, ends up becoming the spokesgirl for a new line of shoes named after her. Shes learns some lessons in commitment and responsibility and deals with conflicting interests after signing a contract that takes precedence over softball.
I appreciate that each book of the series (at least the two I have read) has its own complete plot while there is also a plot that runs through them, giving them cohesion. I also appreciate some of the lessons that are demonstrated. One caution, however, is that there are several lies, or at least secrets in the book, some that are kept by Riley from her parents. While it is realistic that people hide things from each other, this is something certain parents might not want a book to suggest to their children.
Personally, I won't let that stop me from letting my daughter read this when she gets a little older (after she learns to read).
This book was also provided to me free for review by BookLook Bloggers.
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