Friday, May 31, 2013

A Dream So Big

It's hard to know what it's like to be a long-term overseas missionary unless you have experienced it yourself. Steve Peifer, however, offers great insight into the life of a missionary family that makes you feel like you are part of their adventure. In A Dream So Big, he takes the reader through the highs and lows of his family's journey as he recounts the events that led to leaving a comfortable, American dream life for a not so comfortable but more abundant life in Kenya. He leaves the reader encouraged with hope and challenged with fulfilling God's plan.
Having been on several short-term mission trips, I have often had a desire to go long-term. I enjoyed reading this account of the life of a missionary family and appreciate the candor and humility of the author, allowing readers into the very real and personal parts of his family's journey. 
I would suggest this book to everyone. It is not only an interesting story, but can also challenge Christians and non-Christians to evaluate their life and figure out it's true meaning.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Might have to borrow that book from you sometime.

For another interesting and honest look at missions from someone who spent 5 years (I think) in Costa Rica, you could check out the Very Worst Missionary: