It's my birthday and it's been pretty happy so far.
I got to sleep in, although I still didnt feel like getting up and doing what needed to be done.
I did the dishes and folded the laundry before Kassie got home from Clare and before I had to leave for a walk thru.
The walk thru was fun. During the high school lunch I played hacky sack with some cool guys.
During the jr high lunch I talked to some people and then passed a football with a couple guys I don't know very well.
Also, this was the first time I have been to the KHS since I shaved my beard so many people were surprised. Overall, the reaction has been positive. There are a few people who are disappointed, such as one girl who doesn't really talk to me except to say 'nice beard' every time she sees me.
It's been interesting some of the reactions I have gotten, like "I was wondering when you would get rid of that ugly thing!" and similar honest comments that let me know what people really thought of the beard, and "You look like you could be a senior at this school" or better "You look 20 years younger!" (which makes me wonder how old they thought I was looked with the beard...40?)
When I got home, I got to see my wife and baby for the first time in a couple days other than the quick passing as they were coming and I was leaving.
Also, my wife gave me my birthday present, which was a combined present from several family members...a mandolin! I am pretty excited. I have learned some chords on it so far and look forward to getting to know it better.
Thanks to everybody for happy birthday wishes, presents, money, and whatever other wonderful things you have sent or would like to send me!
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