Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dream Car!

Many people, especially guys, I would say, have a dream car. For some it is a Mustang, Corvette, Lamborghini, Cadillac or something else expensive. I must admit, the first car I remember really liking was a Camaro. After that, though, my tastes changed a little bit.

I went from Camaro to Neon to Metro. After that, I just stuck with metro but wasn't too interested in cars for a while. I ended up with a Lumina as my first car, given to me by my parents as a wedding gift. I am pretty sure a lumina is nobody's dream car. It wasn't mine. But I enjoyed it while it lasted.

After that started giving us problems we were in the market for a family friendly vehicle and ended up with another vehicle from my parents, their Dodge Grand Caravan Sport. They gave us a great deal and we really appreciate.

Around the time we got the van, we were thinking it would be very convenient and maybe even "necessary" to have a second car, and because of the deal we got on the van, we could afford to spend a little on another cheap car. I started looking around. Then somebody brought up the reality of paying insurance on two cars, which kind of mitigated my idea of getting another car.

Then, I realized that to have a second car would not only be convenient, but if I could find one with good gas mileage, it could save enough money in gas to pay for the extra insurance. Now back to my dream car.

As I said, I liked the metro. Well, I continued in the vein of economy cars but started liking more boxy cars, like the VW Golf which is generally out of our price range. I then saw a Ford Festiva. I liked it. Well, I thought I liked it. Then I learned more about that specific one that was for sale, and liked it less the more I new about it...this is wrong and these window decals and this might have to be know the deal. So I kept looking. After looking at a Ford Aspire, a couple Metros, and trying to chase down a Yugo, I found another Festiva.

To make a long story short, I got a 1991 Ford Festiva, royalish blue with pink stripes along the sides. It has a few aesthetic problems, but seems to be mechanically sound. And it's a stick. I have never regularly driven a vehicle with a manual transmission. I have, however, learned to drive a stick a couple times, never getting completely comfortable.

I spent a little bit of time yesterday re-learning the stick, and it went pretty well...I would say smooth, but that was not necessarily the case, as I imagine is true for most people learning stick.

In summary, I got my dream car, and I am excited. Hopefully I'll get the Title transferred and get a plate for it tomorrow.

Also, I am looking forward to Kassie's dad helping me clean it up a bit.


Summit Jingles said...

A festiva huh? It's the best car ever!! I've seen 10 with 500,000 miles!! And you can get over 50 mpg driving conservatively. Go join up on! Its free and there is a ton of knowledge there.

Summit Jingles said...

A festiva huh? It's the best car ever!! I've seen 10 with 500,000 miles!! And you can get over 50 mpg driving conservatively. Go join up on! Its free and there is a ton of knowledge there.