I'm sure you all want to know that my hair is pretty greasy right now. It happens quite often since me taking a shower doesn't happen really often.
That's not really what this post is about, though. I just want to tell you about today. It wasn't anythign fantastic but good enough to write about.
1. Woke up and went to work. did work for the first little bit. had about 15 customers all day. I crocheted a hat at work. I also finished the book Jesus Wants to Save Christians (something like that) by Rob Bell. I played some guitar, read the Bible and did some homework type of stuff also. fairly productive work day.
2. Came home and ate and jammed with Matt Martin, Chris Cadogan, Tim Novak. talked to Aaron Klenke for a while...good talk about God and life.
3. Hot dogs. For those who don't know, we give out free hot dogs and sometimes, such as tonight, free hot chocolate at our house on Saturday nights. tonight was the last Hot Dogs night of the season due to the weather and such. we also usually have lightening going on during hot dogs. tonight I ended up playing about 3 hours of lightening, from 10 when hot dogs started until about 1 after we ran out of hot dogs. It was a good night and I met some sweet people. A few might be coming over for dinner in the near future.
Well, that's about it. I am pretty exhausted. I am about to go to sleep. church tomorrow. sweet. adios.
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