adventure, excitement, ramen...
this weekend, I went ranch hopping. well, actually I just went to two ranches. we had our house retreat at Cran-Hill Ranch, near Big Rapids. The house retreat is a retreat for people who live in houses, but not just any houses, just the campus houses of His House at CMU. We had fun playing ultimate ball (?)...I don't know what it is actually called but it is much like ultimate frisbee except with a ball and a couple other little differences.
we also got to be alone with God in the woods in the dark, and we got to do some work for the ranch and other activities and stuff.
so, that was a great time of hanging out with the other house people. then we got lost on the way back but made it back by a little after 5 on Saturday. then I left for Jackson around 7 15. I was on my computer getting directions and stuff to get ready to go to Jackson and saw Kassie online, so I was like "hey, what are you doing tonight and tomorrow you want to go to Jackson?" and she decided to go, so we did. I was going anyway, but she came with me. I then called my friend Mike. I hadn't talked to him in about three years and didn't even know him real well back then, but I found his phone number on facebook because he goes to Spring Arbor.
Me "Hey, Mike, it's Josh Hill from Harbor Beach."
Mike "oh Hey Josh, how's it goin'?"
Me "'re still going at Spring Arbor right?"
Mike "Yup"
Me "Are you around this right now?"
Mike "Yeah, I am here this weekend. Why, are you on campus."
Me "Well, I am going to be in the area and thinking about stopping by Spring Arbor."
Mike "Do you need a place to stay tonight or anything."
so, I am not sure if that is exactly how the conversation went, but something like that and so he said he lives in a house and has plenty of room for me and I asked about Kassie and he said Korey, another friend from cornerstone, lives across the street and she could probably stay there.
So, long story being said, it's cool how God works things out at the last minute.
there was a bon fire at Mike's house and we met some people and hungout and then went to sleep and got up this morning to go to Lazy B's Ranch with Eric and Amanda's (one of our pastors and his wife) parents. Brian, Amanda's dad, had asked me to lead worship there sometime and I told him this weekend would work, so that's really the reason I was down there. It was a lot of fun. There was a group of young boys there and they enjoyed the songs (basically all of the songs we did in the DR except in english this time) and we got to play with them a little afterwards.
It was a great adventure, thanks to God for being amazingful.
.... so exactly what part of that adventure was in Odyssey? You didn't even mention seeing Mr. Whit or getting ice cream at Whit's End! :)
Sounds like some fun times, though. They've already mentioned signing me up for the worship schedule, but I'll extend the invitation to you, too. Hey, it worked for Amanda's dad, right? So you're welcome to come here any time and lead worship for the missionaries. :)
Sounds more like adventures in Odd. :)
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