Soon enough, I had the book and was quickly disappointed that the book was not really anything about reconciling the God of the Old Testament with the New. Instead, it was a book written by two Christian musicians connecting their stories and those of their family and friends with the Old Testament, and finding a God in the Old Testament who is a little more loving and gracious than what they expected.
Initially, I was miffed. It seems the book was misrepresented by it's advertisements. Not only that, but this is the second book in a row I felt that way about. However, I continued reading the book and did find some encouragement and challenge from it. I also thought it offered interesting insight into the lives of the two authors. Did you know Ginny Owens is blind? I didn't. Actually, I didn't know much at all about Ginny Owens, but her name is familiar to me, unlike Andrew Greer, whose name I constantly had to keep distinct from Andrew Peterson in my mind as I was reading it.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a book to provide reconciliation or even some sort of comparison between God as portrayed in the Old Testament of the Bible and God as portrayed in the New Testament, this is not the book. If you are interested in learning about a couple of Christian musicians and are open to being challenged and encouraged by their stories and how the Old Testament has impacted them, this might be the book for you.
Oh, it also has questions to think about and or discuss at the end of each chapter. Honestly, I didn't pay much attention to them, so I can't say whether or not they're helpful, but they're there.
I'd like to thank BookLook Bloggers for giving me this book to review. And thank you for reading this.