Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Am Second

I Am Second is not only a book by Doug Bender and Dave Sterrett, it is a movement. Most importantly, God is first.  God is glorified, and salvation is shared through the testimonies of football players, a skateboarder, a Pastor, a Biggest Loser, business people and others. Moreover, the book is just a part of what is available from the I Am Second movement. I definitely suggest you check out the website, check out some of the videos and stories, join a group, share it with others, be encouraged and encourage others. That is what this movement is all about, sharing God through personal testimony and encouraging each other through the struggles we all face.
This book is different from any other book I have read. Each chapter is the story of a different person and their journey with God. There are several people you may have heard of and/or seen on TV. There are people who have dealt with drug addiction, sexual addiction, divorce, abuse, and much more. I definitely suggest this book for everybody. I hope this movement will continue to grow. I intend to become a part of it. I know that if we continue to encourage each other to keep God first, we will be amazed by what he does.
This book was sent to me free for review through Book Sneeze.
You can find it at Thomas Nelson or Amazon.