Monday, June 27, 2011

Created for...Music?

What did God create me to do?

Not long ago, I was talking to a group of middle schoolers and let them know that we were all created by God for a specific purpose. I used the illustration of an automobile. Automobiles are created for transport, but different automobiles are created for different types of transport. Some cars are designed for short distances or to get good gas mileage. Certain trucks are made for hauling or carrying large loads. Some cars are made for speed.

In the same way, humans are created by God to have a relationship with him and to bring him glory. We were also created by Him to give him glory in certain ways.

I am trying to figure out the second part. Obviously, the best way to do that is to ask God, since he is the one who designed me. However, I guess I am a little impatient. Here's what I have so far:

Before moving to Ohio and multiple times since then, I have felt a push towards music. That's why we moved to Ohio. While I was a worship leader at a church there, I felt a push to pursue music further and joined a band. Then, various things happened and we left Ohio.

So, I was looking for jobs and a youth ministry position opened and I took it, thinking, "I'll give it a try. I am sure I can do it, whether it is what I am called to or not." I am pretty sure it is not what I am gifted for or called to, but I enjoy some parts of it.

I have recently felt the push towards music again, and have been thinking about what type of ministry I could do with music and how Kassie could/would want to be involved. We went to the Big Ticked Festival last week, and I feel like there was something I was supposed to learn or get from it or something that is holding on to me that I can't quite figure out.

Also, last week, Kassie and I were discussing the possibility of doing some sort of ministry and she told me that God told her that I am supposed to do some sort of music ministry. But that's as far as she knows.

I appreciate your prayers and any insight you can provide. Thanks.

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Sunday, June 5, 2011


I was finally able to play soccer after going for quite a while without playing at all. On Friday it was a great day and I decided to get some people together to play. It was a lot of fun.
A few things I got out of it:

1. I learned how out of shape I am. (I have playing church league softball but that does nothing for getting me in shape or indicating how out of shape I am)
2. I re-scraped my leg where I scraped it when sliding into second playing softball on Tuesday
3. I lost part of my shoe. My bright orange soccer cleats have served me well for about 7 years but now the bottom of the right one is no longer attached, so I will have to look for some new ones.
4. Fun.

We might start playing on a more regular basis, so if you are in the Kingston area and want to play, let me know.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Christian Hedonism

Desiring God is a book by John Piper that has now been made into a 12 part study.
The main concept of the book is the idea of Christian Hedonism. It is basically seeking pleasure in God and the things he calls you to do.
Basically, rather than trying to resist our desire for pleasure, Piper tells us to redirect it to the things that can truly fulfill.
I had a related thought within the past year about how we should be selfish. When we really think about it, to be selfish is to want what's best for ourselves and what's best for us is what God has for us. So to be selfish is to want what God wants, basically.
That was my idea. John Piper has a similar, but more thought-out idea.
I have not read the actual book, Desiring God, but from the DVD series and study guide, it seems like quite a good book.
Personally, I think I would rather read the book than watch the DVD and go through the study guide. I didn't really like the questions or format of the study guide, and the DVD consists of Piper talking in a lecture style, which isn't all that entertaining.
I realize it isn't meant to be entertaining, but there was just something about Piper's presentation of his ideas that made me think I would rather read about them than listen to him talking about them.
I think the ideas are great, insightful, and a little bit edgy. I can't comment on the presentation of the ideas in the actual book, but I wouldn't recommend the DVD series and study guide to my church or Bible Study unless I felt really compelled to share Piper's ideas and couldn't find any better way.

The DVD and study guide were provided free for review by Waterbrook Multnomah.