Monday, February 22, 2010

Seek First His Kingdom

Today, it is raining, which naturally creates a certain moodiness within a person. I am actually glad it is raining, and I like the rain. Nonetheless, I cannot deny the effect the gloomy(Even to call the sky gloomy assigns affect to it.) sky has on my mood.
This only adds to the melancholy of my wife being gone for the week. While I am happy for her to be with family and friends and to hopefully get some rest and connect with God, it is hard for me to be without her.
Furthermore, I watched the movie "Copying Beethoven" this morning, which in some way affected my mood. Movies about music often have a mixed effect of inspiring me in my own musical pursuits while also accenting my lack of creativity and skill.

Now, I don't mean to be a downer, and despite all that, I would say my outlook is rather positive. Having said all that, I was reading the verse for Monday from a weekly verses thing I get in my email.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

Matthew 7:7-8

Reading it, I had this feeling that I should be asking God for make me more creative, more wise, to help me get a job, to give me guidance...which lead me to realize I need to be asking for Him. That reminded me of the following verse:

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

This vindicated my previous conclusion that I should be asking for God, but also reminded me that I need to do more than just ask. I need to seek Him.
Together the verses tell us, "Seek God above and before all else. In doing so, we will find God, and he will take care of everything."

I guess I am a little slow in learning this because it is something I think God has been teaching me for a while. I continue to seek other things, trying to find my own way and asking God if it's right or asking for His blessing, rather than seeking Him first and waiting on Him.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Review: Hear No Evil

I don't know about you, but when I hear the phrase "hear no evil" I think of little monkeys on a shirt covering their eyes, mouth and ears.
This book was nothing like that. I don't think monkeys were mentioned at all, in fact.
Hear No Evil by Matthew Paul Turner is about...well, unfortunately I am still trying to figure out the point of the book (I did finish it).
I think it was an interesting book giving an account of the author's life as it related to music. There were some things I could identify with, songs and artists I recognized, odd beliefs about what we can't do as "Christians."
I think some readers could get a new perspective of life realizing, "Wow, people actually grow up thinking that listening to rock music will make you go to Hell?" similar to the perspective you would get reading about the life of somebody from a third-world country. I do admit, some of the things the author talked about were surprising to me. Some of the beliefs the author and his family held to reminded me of the verse Colossians 2:8 which warns, "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
Another surprising thing to me was how much he admired Amy Grant and her music. I guess coming from a different generation and a different upbringing can change many things based on what we are exposed to. I am sure there are and will be many people who don't and won't understand my enjoyment of certain music or other things.
While this book is somewhat funny and entertaining and might make you think about perspectives, I don't think I would really recommend it to anybody. As I said, I didn't really get the point of it. I wouldn't recommend against it, either. I don't think it's a bad book. I am not sorry I read it, but I most likely would not read it again unless to try to find the meaning of it.
If you would like to get your own copy, you can find it at
This book was provided for review for free by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Review: Love and War

Love and War by John and Stasi Eldredge is all about marriage.
The couple gives it to you straight. I think they give a very realistic look at marriage with stories from various couples and their own lives. They pointed out that marriage is hard, very hard. They also gave ideas and pointers to make it work. They tossed away the lies of the world and brought in a new perspective... Actually, it is quite an old perspective, God's perspective. God is the one who created marriage. Yet, we turn to everything but God to find answers when marriage doesn't seem to be working or we feel like something is missing. The authors do a great job of turning the focus back to God.
They also do a great job of portraying the way marriage can and should work, with each person taking personal responsibility rather than trying to change the other and the two working together as one.
Being married, I can relate to many of the things they said. I could agree with some of the advice and other parts offered new ideas to chew on. I think it is a great book for married or pre-married couples.
I am sure singles can get a great deal out of it, too. It shouldn't scare a person from getting married, but it does make it clear that marriage requires hard work.
I would definitely recommend this book to friends who are married or thinking about marriage.
Many times after spending a long time reading, I will feel a little out of it, in my own little world, or like I have been wasting time. After reading this book, I was excited to love my wife and seek God. To me that definitely says something positive about the book.
Go to if you would like to get a copy of this book for yourself or a friend.

This was book was provided for review by WaterBrook Multnomah.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Kassie played bass guitar at church yesterday! I think she enjoyed it, and it was nice to have the bass sound.
We have both decided that we want to pursue music more or something like that.
I have decided I am actually going to try to get better at guitar rather than just playing the same chords I have played for the past 6+ years.
We also want to start some kind of band, possibly a jazz combo or something.
I want to start writing music.
This is kind of an offshoot of God's previous guidance, I think. He gave me reminders of how much I like music and some motivation to pursue it as a worship leader. Now, I want to pursue outside of being a worship leader. I am not exactly sure what that means, but we'll see.