Monday, October 27, 2008

It is in the master plan...

The title of this post comes from Derek Collard. He was talking to Stephen about something they are planning on doing for this weekend and Stephen said something about what if it isn't in the master plan. Derek authoritatively stated, "It IS in the master plan."
Anyway, one thing I am learning about the master plan is that my mind has alot to get rid of. I mean, I know God has everything under control and I don't need to worry about anything and I just need to seek him and he will guide me and all of that good stuff, but when the rubber meets the road, I don't usually remember to live like that.
It's like when you prepare for a speech and know it all but then you go in front of everybody and don't recall anything.
For some reason, that reminded me of a video on Youtube called 8 reasons I don't share my faith, or something like that. It is pretty funny and we are going to be watching it as part of house devos tonight.
Anyway, God is teaching me some things and reminding me of some things, but I am a slow learner. HE is patient. I just need to be patient, too. It's some good stuff.
Life is pretty good. Trying not to be "busy".
In fact, I think I am going to take some time to rest now before I need to get dinner started.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


My computer is slow. It was especially slow earlier today because I had it running for several days without shutting it down and with how full it is to begin with it can't handle being on for too long. What I really need to do to make it go faster is to get a bunch of junk off of it. Alot of it is good and necessary junk. I have stuff for classes, many photos, music, etc. But it is all slowing my computer down. So I need an external hard drive or something.
This is what I feel like God is doing in my life. I feel like I haven't been running at the speed God wants me to. I haven't been chasing him and living for him the way he wants me to because I have filled my life with all of these other things. These other things are good in some cases but they are taking focus off of him or just not allowing me to go through what I need to go through with him. The good things that seem to be Godly are at this point distracting me from what God really wants for me. I think the thing that started this was the band thing. That was kind of the first straw, when God made me give up something great to make me realize that he is so much better. Anyway, I don't know exactly what this looks like and I don't think I will completely understand it for a while. I don't really want to understand it. I just want God to take over. I am excited about what is happening and I am hoping to go on a honeymoon with God over Christmas break. I don't know where or for how long but I just need to get away with him.
I would appreciate your prayers. Also, expect some changes. It might not happen fast but change is coming.

Friday, October 10, 2008


What does licorice have to do with woodenness? Well, as Kelsey pointed out in her comment, wooden licorice is also wooden. Licorice, also as kelsey pointed out and i was thinking when I wrote the title, is a weird word. in short, I am not sure why I titled the post licorice. I am not really sure I why I wrote the post in general.
second of all, I quit the band today. sad day. possibly overall happy, but i am not really feeling it. what i mean by that is I really thought it was God wanted and that made me happy for a very short period of time and now I am kind of frustrated and stuff. maybe I will explain more sometime when it is explained to me.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


What do a wooden guitar and a wooden banjo guitar have in common?

They are both made of wood. So are wooden rocking chairs.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Follow Up

I don't feel quite right about my last blog post. I am not really sure about things now but I just feel like I said stuff that may have seemed like I came to conclusions that I didn't really come to. Basically I haven't come to any final conclusions but for now I am going to continue playing with the band when I can and be prayerful about that, just as I should be prayerful about everything I do.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray continually.
I actually like 16-18. Well, really the whole book is good. The whole book of books.
Speaking of which, I was reading 1 Thessalonians 3:3-5 because somebody shared it at devos on monday. It says, "It is God's will for you that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God."
First of all, as I was typing this I noticed that heathen is used as the plural form of heathen, which I did not know. I thought heathens was the plural form.
The thing I noticed earlier, though, is that there is a footnote shows that instead of "each of you should learn to control his own body" it could be "each of you should learn to acquire a wife." I thought that was interesting. Then Tony, who is allergic to dairy products, came by and told us about this guy he met who used to be allergic to dairy until he got married. So, I showed Tony that verse. He then wrote a song about needing a wife so he wouldn't be allergic to dairy or something like that.
Which reminds me, the other day, Dave and i were riding bikes to "run" errands and he started singing "I forget my worries when I have a Mcflurry." So after asking if that was an actual song and him telling me he made it up, I made up a second line, "I feel like a dream when I eat ice cream." Actually, in between the lines is a da da da da da... Then he made up the third line which is probably my favorite: "I really love Jesus when I eat Reeses Pieces."
Well, I hope you have been somehow encouraged and/or entertained by this post. Now I am going to start on my plan to read through the Bible and then work on a project and study for an exam tomorrow (or today, I guess you could say since it is 2 20 in the morning and the exam is at 11)
Until we meet again.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well, I am not sure what is going on with some things in my life right now but I do know that God is good and I feel closer to him than ever before. I spent some good time with him on Sunday in the prayer room and since then I have been spending some good time with him each day and focusing on him throughout the day even more, I think.
one thing cool he has brought into my life is a band. my friend Derrick kind of randomly asked me if I wanted to play bass with a band and I said yes and so I went to practice with them that night and it was a sweet time of playing music and worshipping God. They all seem like great people, even though I only knew Derrick beforehand. God really seemed to be put it together. That also put alot of confusion into my life in the past few days because I got the feeling the next morning that I shouldnt be in the band. I thought it was a feeling from God, but now I am wondering if it was from satan and it kind of scares me that I can't discern that. Anyway, God was able to use it to teach me some things and remind me of some things and bring me closer to him. and tonight I had a good time with the band. I told them about being unsure about things and they seemed completely fine with it and said I could play with them even if i wasnt going to be in the band and we played a little but were all feeling a little uneasy. Sally, the keyboardist suggested it seemed like something was going on in the spiritual realm and I am wondering if maybe God has some sweet plans for the band and satan is fighting to keep them from happening. anyway, we had a good time anyway, but stopped playing and just talked for a while, Jared, John, Sally and I and it was good. Then I spent some more time with God at the His House building when I was putting my bass back and that was sweet.
along with the band being sweet, we practice at the Chi Alpha house. while we were talking tonight John and Lori Fredrickson came in along with some other people. It was pretty cool because when Lori told me her name I remembered when Lighthouse Assembly of God had done a thing one time where different people got a lighthouse with missionaries on it to pray for and I got the Fredericksons, so I prayed for them and now I met them.
Anyway, there is more to the story, and it might seem odd and I still haven't figured it all out but am trying to leave it up to God, but I think it is pretty sweet. God is marvellous (I just looked it up and my dashboard dictionary shows that it can be spelled with either one or two L's. That can be something you can pray for me about, that I will be able to discern God's will for my life and stay focused on him with whatever he does with this band. Thanks